Puzzling Thoughts from a Young Catholic

How could it possibly be:

That the God who created me became a foetus and came into this world? That a God so powerful became a baby? That the author of wisdom, the allknowing was obedient to his earthly mother and father? That when Lazarus died, Jesus cried? What!! God actually cried?

That such a Holy God would chase after sinners, loving them regardless of who they were?

That the creator of the universe would wash the feet of his disciples? That a God so big, would give himself as simple bread and wine at Holy Mass?

But then I begin to ask why:

Was Jesus betrayed?

Was Jesus denied by his own friends?

Was Jesus spat upon and beaten?

Was he kicked and bruised?

Was a crown of sharp thorns forced onto his head?

Was he given a heavy cross to carry?

Was he mocked by those he created?

Was he made to suffer nails piercing his hands and feet?

Was he crucified with sinners?

Was he silent through it all? And more importantly, for whom?

The answer to all these questions is simple – It Was for You!! HE DIED For YOU!

The Father gave his Son! Stop for a moment and consider this. A blood donor saved your life – Jesus! He gave his own flesh and blood for you! Shed on that Cross. He, the one without sin, paid the price for our sins so that we could be healed. He opened the gates of heaven so that we could enter in. Whether you like him or not, whether you believe in him or not, whether you care or not, it doesn’t matter God still loves you and he waits patiently for your love. When we say yes to him then we will truly live! Jesus said “I came to give you life and life in abundance!” (John 10:10) “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” St Augustine


“God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that anyone who believed in him may not perish but have eternal life!” John 3:16