If This Person Was…

“Behold the Man!” (John 19:5)


If this person was a piece of music, he’d bring joy and happiness through the sound. If this person was a colour, he’d be white as a symbolism of his purity.

If this person was a bird, he’d be a dove as a sign of his Holy Spirit. If this person was a flower, he’d be a red rose as a reminder of his sacrifice for our salvation.

If this person was a doctor, he’d be a healer knowing all cures to diseases. If this person was a lamp,  he’d light up the whole world.

If this person was food, he’d be bread that satisfies hunger forever. If this person was a drink, he’d be water that quenches thirst forever.

If this person was a book, he’d be the world’s best encyclopaedia giving answers to everything. If this person was an animal, he’d be a humble, innocent lamb sacrificed for us.

If this person was a stone, he’d be the stone rejected by the builders. If this person was a star, he’d be the brightest star in the sky.

Because he died for us on Mount Calvary so that we may find happiness and forgiveness of sins.


A poem by Crisilda Jojo