April 2015 – Editorial

Welcome to latest issue of Kingdom Revelator. In this Easter season we look forward to Pentecost, when the Church celebrates her birthday and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in the Upper Room. We find out about the Holy Spirit, the Gifts that the Spirit brings and publish some thoughts by Pope Francis on what Pentecost means today. There is an interview with Mary Beth Bonacci from Life Teens Incorporated who discusses her work in talking to young people about sexuality, chastity, and marriage. This is a challenging area for young Catholics who are trying to live by the Gospel values, which are very different to the messages that they receive through popular culture.

As the exam season is approaching, one of our readers shares how God helped her to revise and gave her good exam results, when she thought that she had failed. This encourages us all to pray and trust in God when times get difficult. Our situation may seem hopeless to us but God can turn any situation around and bring something positive from the worst situations, if we only trust Him. Dr John Das, a Catholic evangelist, echoes this in his article showing us why we should not be afraid. This is a common message in the Bible. Our human nature is to worry and panic when unexpected things happen but when we trust in God He will send us the help that we need.

St Dominic Savio, who died before his fifteenth birthday, is an inspirational figure for young people because his holiness was recognised from an early age. He once said, “I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.” That is a great motto for our lives. Let us make sure that everything we do is pleasing to God then we too will be on the road to sainthood!