Don’t bury your Talents

I ’m pretty sure that we all have talents but the question is whether we use them to glorify God. I’d like to start with a story from the Gospel of Matthew 25:14-30. A man left his talents (his wealth) with his servants and went away for a while. One of the servants buried his talents in the ground, while the others used theirs wisely and made more money to give to the master on his return. When he came back, the servant who had not used his talents had them taken off him and they were given to the others. Although the parable is about money it can also apply to the talents and abilities that God has given to each of us and shows how we can use them to glorify God and store up treasure for ourselves in Heaven. Our friends may say to us, use your talents to become famous or to make lots of money but as faithful Christians we should learn to accept that every talent and gift that we have is a gift given to us by God.

Every Talent can be used for God’s Glory

There are many different talents; they could be in the field of music, art, writing, speaking, sport and many other areas, too numerous to list, but each one can be used for God’s purposes. If you are a musical person, then play Christian music or maybe write worship songs. If you are an artist, draw every picture for God’s glory. In this way we can use our talents to worship and adore Him. “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6). St Paul tells us that whatever we do for God, our actions are all given and activated by the same Holy Spirit. Therefore we should use them in the Spirit, for the Spirit.

Never be Jealous of Other’s Talents

Paul writes in Romans 12:6, “We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.” We should never be jealous of the gifts that someone else has. Instead we should try to develop what we have to a greater degree, thereby giving God more glory. In the Gospel story, those who invested their talents wisely were praised as good and faithful servants and received even more. And so when we use our talents for God; we will receive even more gifts from Him. Remember to use your talents for God’s Glory!


Written by Austin Sabu