Receive the Holy Spirit
I was brought up as a Christian but I have only come to living the Christian life in these last couple of months since I attended a School of Evangelization (SOE). Since starting to live with Jesus Christ (JC) in my life I have experienced things that I never thought were possible. One of the most incredible things that happened to me was during the SOE. We were praying the Way of the Cross outside and by the last station I had my hands raised up and was praying. Suddenly I felt someone take hold of my hand and a soft breeze began blowing across me from my right side. I realized that it was the Holy Spirit but I did not understand the significance of what had actually happened until a few months later when I read in John 20:22, “Then he breathed on them and said, receive the Holy Spirit.” JC did for me what he had done for his own apostles two thousand years ago; not because I was someone special but because he loves me and wants the best for me.
Christian Life is not Old Fashioned and Lame
If you were to ask young people to describe a Christian life they might describe it as boring, old fashioned, lame or unattractive. If you were to tell your mates that Jesus is a very important part of your life they would think that there is something wrong with you. The truth is, Christian life is anything but old fashioned and lame. As a youngster, I had seen plenty of miracles worked through the power of prayer. I remember when my mum suffered two cracks on her backbone and there was a very real possibility that she would not be able to walk properly again. But, through the power of prayer and the love of Jesus, within four months she was up and walking and went straight back to work.
Things have Started Getting Even More Amazing
Since receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit things have just started getting even more amazing. I started getting visions and was given the ability to speak in tongues – all of which I thought weren’t possible any more. I had read about them in the Bible, but I never thought that we, as Christians today, could have these gifts. Then I went on a “Growth” retreat in January where we were guided through all the fruits of the spirit such as the gifts of healing, knowledge and prophesy. I prayed for and got the gift of healing, not because I was special or worthy in any way but simply because of God’s love for me. These gifts are open to all of us and they come out of our relationship with Jesus.
God Has a Sense of Humour
Slowly I began to realise that prayer is not just about sitting in front of a cross all day, it’s about having a deep and meaningful conversation with God from your heart. God is our loving father and when we talk to him and listen carefully, we will hear him talking back to us. When I was younger, I used to think that Jesus was someone who was serious all the time and wouldn’t have a laugh. I now know that this is so far from the truth. We are made in God’s image and if we have a sense of humour, so does he. I have had many moments when I have had a laugh with Jesus. Why? Because he is my brother so I don’t feel uncomfortable joking with Jesus. As St. John Bosco said, ‘run, jump, shout – just don’t sin’.
“He breathed on them and said, receive the Holy Spirit.”
I have a Fantastic Circle of Friends
Before I came to know Jesus I didn’t know how many true friends I really had. I did not know who I could trust. I remember the saying ‘it is better to have a small circle of trustworthy characters around you than a large circle of backstabbers who put on the mask of a friend.’ After I came to know Jesus and started walking in his light, JC gave me a fantastic group of friends who I know I can trust. They help me grow daily in Christ. They are always there for me not just to pray together but to have a laugh together, to enjoy precious moments together, to be a rock for each other when we are going through tough times.
We can Shine in this Dark World
Jesus didn’t die for us so that we could go to Church on Sundays and live like the rest of the world every other day. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us so that we can shine in this dark world as children of the living God. We are not called just to be average Christians, we are called to be instruments of his love and peace, to realize our identity and worth as sons and daughters of Jesus. Please don’t waste one more day living the life of an ignorant Christian; instead shine in your home, schools, colleges, football teams, so that through you other people can see Jesus. Be the warrior you were created to be. Be on fire! Be another Christ!
“He breathed on them and said, receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22
Written by Nevil George