Opening the World Youth Day in Denver in 1993, Pope St John Paul II said “I greet you all in […]

It is, with the deepest gratitude that I stand before my ‘tormentors’! Such a soft feeling now, when the wounds […]

Although Psalm 23 was written about three thousand years ago it can still speak to our hearts. We take a […]

There are many excuses that people make as their reasons not to pray, it might be because they are too […]
WHO WOULD NOTICE? I was sitting in church one Sunday morning listening to the homily given by my parish priest […]
GOD’S PLAN When the time came for God to send his only begotten son into this world, as had been […]
EASTER DAY What would you say was the greatest day in history? Maybe for you it was when you got […]
How could it possibly be: That the God who created me became a foetus and came into this world? That […]
The perfect mother How would you describe your mother? Maybe you would say she is affectionate, caring, nurturing, most loving, […]